(+34) 669.837.679 / (+34) 686.191.627 | info@nomadascanarias.com


    What is web accessibility?

    It is the ability to access content regardless of the person or context.

    Keyboard shortcuts


    The use of access keys is conditioned by the browser:

    • Internet Explorer: ALT + shortcut. ENTER
    • Firefox: ALT + Shift + shortcut
    • Google Chrome: ALT + shortcut
    • Opera: Shift + ESC + shortcut
    • Safari: CTRL + shortcut

    accessibility level

    This website has been designed taking into account the criteria of the WCAG 2.0 Accessibility Guide. We are currently working to meet the WCAG 2.2 accessibility criteria, with an AA level. 

    It is designed for correct viewing on desktop, tablet and mobile devices (Responsive). 

    Date of the last check of the WCAG level of the web: June 2023, through the tool provided by Tawdis.net

    Documents not accessible

    Some documents, such as PDF files, or .DOC documents, may not be accessible. If you have problems downloading or reading documents published on our website, you can request a copy in the format you want, whenever possible, by sending your request to the email: info@nomadascanarias.com

    text size

    Fonts with relative sizes have been used so that if the user prefers a larger font they can select it through the text size options of their browser, generally Ctrl+ (control plus) to enlarge, Ctrl- (control minus) to reduce.

    Page structure

    This portal is designed with a common format for all pages so that familiarization with their content is easy to achieve better navigation for all users.

    The pages are made up, broadly speaking, of the following areas:

    • Header, with access to the home page, contact form, access to the co-official and English versions and advanced search engine.
    • Main navigation menu, with the main options of the web.
    • Central area of ​​contents that will vary depending on whether the page is the main page of the site, a subhome, a document or an advanced search engine.
    • Footer, which includes the legal information of the company Nómadas Canarias.

    External sites

    Some of the links may take you to sites external to this website, such as Google Maps, Facebook, etc., which ARE NOT ACCESSIBLE or MAY NOT BE ACCESSIBLE but are important to some users. In these cases, Nómadas Canarias is unaware of their accessibility levels and warns users with some type of disability that they could encounter problems when following these links.

    help us to improve

    We are aware that there is room for improvement, so we work every day to achieve this goal. If you find any difficulty accessing or want to ask us a question, you can do it by email: info@nomadascanarias.com

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